
Monday, October 19, 2015


Who wouldn’t want to keep their man in bliss while maintaining that strong, stomach tingling
bond inside and outside of the bedroom? We all do, of course!! If you want to keep
your man and keep him happy then you must give him plenty of good reasons to stay and I wrote
this article to assist women in doing just that. Many of us are forgetting, or plainly flat out
ignoring, the basics of keeping our men happy! It’s time to bring them back!
 While I am a Certified Life, Relationship, and Sex Coach, I would be foolish to have all
of the information included this article to come directly from me -- I went to our wonderful men!!
Seeing as how I am not a man and therefore cannot speak on everything that men want, I asked a
variety of men from different age groups, backgrounds, careers, incomes, and walks of life to
compose this article for my readers. Keep in mind that this book is about
what to do when you are already IN the relationship or marriage; it’s not about attracting the
man. However, if you are single, these are things that you need to know in order to prepare
yourself for that amazing man who will be in your life before you know it! So get busy reading!!
Lastly, and you know me, I have included some smoking hot tips to keep your man yearning for
more of you in the bedroom. I must caution you that using the tips in this book will cause your
man to come down with a severe case of “Sprung-itis” so be ready!!
 I am going to take you through my 69 ways to keeping your man but please do not stop at
the 69 (pun very much intended). Keep seeking knowledge in how to make your relationship
hotter, stronger, and ways to better the communication between you and your mate. “69
Ways…” will take you through how to treat him in everyday life all the way to how to treat your
69 Ways to Keep Your Man and Keep Him Happy 5
King in the love shack. My hope is that “69 Ways…” will help you develop a better knowledge
of self and the type of relationship you really want, release your
sexual inhibitions to have
amazing sex, and enhance the relationship between you and your mate.
69 Ways To Keep Your Man And Make Him Happy

1. Love Yourself. If your own cup isn’t full of love, how can you successfully pour love
into the cup of another? It is literally impossible to properly love and care for someone
else when you do not love and care for yourself first. If you are seeking a mate to feel
good about yourself or think a mate will help “fix” some aspect of your life, stop right
now. Learn the real meaning of self-love and develop a strong relationship with YOU
before seeking out a mate. However, if you are already in a relationship, it is never too
late to begin this process. Your relationship will improve dramatically, trust me.

2. Keep Evolving. Of course you want to remain the beautiful woman he fell in love with
but you don’t want to become boring. Expand who you are. Learn new things, try new
things, and enhance the person that you are now. Your stock should be forever on the
incline, honey. When you evolve and become an even greater version of yourself, he can
fall in love with you over and over and over again.

3. Let Go of Your Emotional Baggage. We all have pain from our childhood or past
relationships but how can we expect to ever be successful with our men if we are putting
the bullshit of another man onto their shoulders? That’s not fair. It is not his
responsibility to fix what someone else did to you. If your father walked out on your
mother, it doesn’t mean that John will and if Tim was a cheater, it doesn’t mean that
Michael will be. You see what I am saying? Let the past be the past and let it go.

4. Pay Attention to Your Looks. I am not saying you have to be Halle Berry but please,
take pride in your appearance! In the beginning of your relationship, I am sure you
always made sure you were looking “hot fire” because you valued his opinion of you and
wanted his desire. Do you no longer want his affection and desire? Heck yes you do
therefore beautifying for your man should never stop. Often men complain about their
wives gaining a lot of weight or “never dressing up for him anymore”. I know that with
age, childbirth, health issues, and the lack of time may cause our bodies to get out of
shape but we can’t use these as excuses anymore. Never become so comfortable with
your mate or complacent enough that you begin to neglect your beauty.

5. Maintain a Flattering Wardrobe. He doesn’t want to come home to a woman dressed in a
sweat suit and head scarf all of the time! Let him come home to a woman in some bootyhugging
jeans, cute top, and heels that’s excited to see him. What man wouldn’t want to
come home to that?

6. Throw Away Those PJ’s. If you have those thick, unflattering flannel pajamas or
oversized t-shirts then toss them out right now! Instead sleep in sexy nighties, lingerie, or
perhaps sleep in nothing at all.

7. Get Domestic. Every woman should know how to cook, clean, do laundry, iron, etc., and
all of the things required to take care of home. Of course a man is always welcome to
assist around the house, but you should know how to perform those domestic duties
required in maintaining a clean and high-functioning household.

8. Know Your Body. If you are unaware of what excites and pleases your body, it will
prove to be a very difficult task when trying to show your mate how to excite and please
your body. If you don’t know; you can’t show. But I digress…

9. Sexual Confidence. Most men do not want to make love to a woman that is unsure of
herself sexually. They want a vixen in the bedroom that loves sex and knows what the
hell she is doing! There is so much information out here to help you become a sex
goddess. Even if you’ve already been labeled “good in bed”, there is always more to
learn. Always.

10. Study Him. Did you know that the male brain has a harder time processing the female
voice versus the male voice? It’s a scientific fact that it is not his fault sometimes when
he doesn’t hear you! We should know this kind of stuff along with other things like how
men think, how to interpret their body language, why they call it a ‘fight’ when we call it
a ‘disagreement’, all of that. This is not hard for a woman since our brains were so
beautifully designed to absorb information found in his facial expressions, body
language, and words all at once. With this knowledge, you will know what to say and do
to your man to get any result you desire. Use this magic for good and not evil. All of
this plus the tips in the rest of this article and you have one hot relationship!

11. Watch Your Tongue. Do not nag your man, do not talk down to your man, and do not
holler at your man. You, as his woman, are there to uplift your man and speak to him in
a manner that brings out the king in him. Speak like you want to be spoken to but better.

12. Trust. I won’t get into this too much because we are all aware of the importance of trust.
If you don’t have trust, you really don’t have a relationship, just two people holding each
other hostage.

13. Remember that He Isn’t Psychic. Men can’t read minds no matter how long you’ve been
together so we should stop expecting them to just know what to do to fix an issue of
which he also has no clue. Men are wired so differently from us so we have to stop
expecting them to be mind readers and simply tell them what’s on our minds but in a
constructive, non-judgmental, finger pointing, snappy kind of way.

14. Forgive AND Forget. Nip problems in the bud and then forgive him to avoid resentment.
Don’t just say you forgive him and then keep it as ammunition to fire off as you so
please. Forgive him completely (if forgiveness is what you agreed to do) and let it go.

15. Stay In Your Financial Lane. If the two of you have set a budget together, respect it and
him. You do not want to put your family into any financial hardship because of a shoe
and purse fetish, which I do have so I am no stranger to this weakness.

16. QT with Your QT. Spend emotional and quality time together. Be sure to laugh and
have fun. What is more romantic than being able to play, laugh, and have fun with your
partner? Men don’t want an uptight, stuffy woman, they want one that can kick back and
have some fun too. Something as simple as a trip to the video arcade to battle it out in all
hockey or a nice picnic on the floor in the middle of your living room can strengthen your
love for one another and create romantic memories to cherish.

17. Avoid Monotony at All Costs. Everyday life of work, kids, dinner, bed, will eventually
drive any person insane. Mix it up and do something new with each other.

18. Never Use Sex as a Weapon. It’s not right to withhold sex from your mate because you
are upset, especially for an extended amount of time which sometimes leads to emotional
and/or physical infidelity. Work it out and have amazing make-up sex. (*Side note:
Angry Sex is also very hot, just sayin…)

19. Love Him Selflessly Without Losing Thyself. It is very possible to love and be giving to
your man without looking for something in return…and without neglecting your own
needs. You do not want to give so much time, energy, money, and whatever else you
give to your man that you are neglecting to give yourself and your own life time, energy,
money, etc.

20. Stay Actively Involved in Your relationship. A relationship left unattended is a
relationship destined to fail. Continue looking for ways to improve to your
communication, lovemaking, etc. to ensure that your relationship remains as loving as the
first day you met. Make sure that you are giving your relationship the attention it
deserves every day.

21. Always Show Appreciation. Always show your partner that you appreciate him and the
value he adds to your life. Even if your appreciation is for something minuscule, let him
know how much of a positive difference he is making in your life.

22. Have a Sense of Humor. Don’t take everything so seriously all of the time. Lighten up.

23. Learn to be Submissive. There is nothing wrong with being submissive. If I could get
personal with you for a moment, it feels good being a help mate and allowing my partner
to take on the responsibility of being head of our household. I have to make tough
decisions, be in charge, and take the lead with my business all day and so when I come
home, I don’t want to do all of that. He is the man, he is the protector, and he is the
provider. This is what men were designed to do, not us! While we are a strong and
beautiful species, the men were designed to be head of household. Women are
instinctively nurturers and caretakers. We can run a house, take care of the children, and
plan a PTA meeting all at once. Men cannot do that! According to science AND nature,
men are not wired to work the kind of magic that we are. We need to instill some “oldfashioned”
beliefs back into our relationships and let the man be the man. However, you
must be with the right kind of man who is honest, loving, faithful, spiritual, and that
would never do anything to harm his family. This is the kind of man we should be
making our husbands and being submissive to and not the raggedy ones out there that we
can so easily get attached to.

24. Laugh at His Jokes. It makes him feel funny and special so why not?

25. Respect Him at All Times. You never, ever want to disrespect your mate with your
words, actions, or even your thoughts. Even in fault, he deserves respect. This is how we
want to be treated at all times so we need to give that same respect at all times.

26. Praise and Compliment Him. That is, as long as you are honest. You do not want to
praise your man’s singing skills when you know deep down he stinks. That is setting him
up for failure, but if he does something well, let him know how much he impresses you.
Make him feel good but honestly. You should always be his biggest cheerleader.

27. Let God In. We need His guidance and assistance in our lives, including our
relationships. Your prayers, which I am sure already do, should include asking Him to
watch over your family and your relationship, to help you two become stronger as
individuals and as a unit every day, and to remain in love for as long as you both shall
live. Ask Him for what you need in your relationship and He will send the information
you need. It doesn’t matter which religious affiliation you belong to, you know how
powerful God is.

28. Find something that interests you both so you can learn together. This is a part of staying
actively involved in your relationship and evolving. When you are learning and trying
new things, you are growing as a person. How beneficial would it be to your relationship
if you had a way to do this growing together?

29. Exchange Wish Lists and make each other’s wishes come true. We all have little
daydreams of things we wish our partners would do such as having flowers delivered to
the office for no reason, sending us on a romantic scavenger hunt, you know what I
mean. From big to small, create your wish lists and exchange them. When your partner
least expects it, make one of his wishes come true. Continue to do this until you’ve
scratched everything off of his list (that’s within reason).

30. Kiss each other passionately and daily. Kissing is the first sexual activity to diminish
when couples are growing apart. Besides the fact that a 60 second French kiss can burn
26 calories, kissing feels fantastic! You feel close and connected to your partner and
sometimes that kiss leads to something that will have you burning off even more calories!

31. Flirt. Flirting with your mate is a playful way of letting him know you are still attracted
to him. It’s also a great ego booster for him! He won’t care about other women flirting
with him when he is getting all of the attention he needs at home.

32. Shut Up Sometimes. ‘Nuf said.

33. Learn How to Maintain Independence without Neglecting Him. You never want to make
a man your entire life; even he will eventually become bored with you. Live your life
joyfully and continue achieving the goals you have set for yourself while still making that
quality time to tend to your relationship

34. Let a Man Be a Man. This is very simple. We do not always have to be in charge and
“run thangs” all of the time. Insecurity is usually the underlining problem when a woman
is trying to control the relationship and she doesn’t even realize that she is doing more
harm than good. Trust me, it will be okay if you learned to relax and relinquish some of
the control.

35. Relaxing Massages. This is a wonderful and sensual way to spend time with your partner
connecting, caressing, and releasing tension. Incorporate it into your relationship.

36. Keep Your Relationship Business Within the Relationship. I understand that we need to
vent to our girlfriends sometimes but some things need to stay between you and your man
only. Remember when Kevin Hart had to sit at the dinner table with the “I Eat Ass”
face? That’s because his woman was running her mouth about things she shouldn’t.
Even though I used this hilarious example, respecting the privacy of your relationship is a
serious matter. It can lead to major issues if you share a private matter and your man
finds out.

37. Be Adventurous. Do not be afraid to try new things with your mate and have fun. If he
wants to learn to ride dirt bikes and wants you to come along, then by all means! Or we
can take that example down about ten notches and say to learn to Chicago Step even
though you’re known for having two left feet. Now that would be adventurous…

Unleash That Vixen to Keep the Fires Burning…

38. Up Your Libido (if necessary). In my career, studies, and own life, I have found that the
more you have sex, the more regularly you desire sex as long as there is nothing
medically wrong to cause a low sex drive. If you need to up your libido, try natural ways
to increase it with herbs or foods like oysters and avocados. Feel free to seek information
through LoversEd on ways to increase your libido or the plethora of information found in
books and online.

39. Erotic Dialogue and Phone Sex. Call your man while he is out or at work and tell him in
very explicit detail what you want to do to him and his penis when he gets home. Men
are visual so use words that will paint a vivid picture in his mind. Also during
intercourse, do not be afraid to let your naughty side come out and yell “Oh yes! Hit that
spot baby!” (We are all adults here but if that sentence offended you, you may not want
to go any further…its get worse.)

40. Leave Your Stilettos On. Make love to your man in nothing but your sexiest stilettos.
This is visually enticing but make sure you are careful with your shoes because you do
not want to accidentally jab him. Ouch!

41. Try Anything…At Least Once…Within Reason. If he wants to try a new position, then
let him. If he wants to try a new sex game or toy, then try it. You do not want to be the
woman always saying ‘no’ to the things he wants to try in bed and then him labeling you
69 Ways to Keep Your Man and Keep Him Happy 16
two as “sexually incompatible”. This can also lead to infidelity and besides, you may
find out that you really like some of his suggestions.

42. Make Him Feel Life a King in Bed. And teach him. Tell that man how good his penis
feels in your vagina (not in those words, of course) and how good he makes you feel.
Show him and tell him how much he satisfies your body in the moment and after.
However, I am in no way, shape, or form advocating faking orgasms. In fact, I am
strongly against it!! It is a disservice to you and your man. Teach him because he really
wants to know what to do to knock your socks off! Now when I say teach him, I don’t
mean to sit him down and say “Okay baby, when you are on top of me, put my leg up on
your shoulder and thrust back and forth really fast”. No, that would suck for him and
you. Instead, during passionate lovemaking, put your own leg up on his shoulder and
moan “More...give me more baby…that feels so good!” Lesson learned.

43. Let Him in the Back Door. The anus has many nerve endings that can make anal sex
very enjoyable for a woman once the negative stigma is removed from your mind and
you relax. Have a glass of wine (or maybe even a shot of Tequila) if that will get you
relaxed and feeling “adventuresome”. Anal sex also can stimulate your G-spot resulting
in a toe-curling orgasm. I understand that many women have zero desire to go here and
there are even some men that don’t like having anal sex. I am just saying be open to it if
it is something your man would really like to try. Contact me if you need additional
information on “Back Door Lovin’”

44. Give Him Lazy Man Sex. It’s exactly how it reads. Let him lie in bed and do nothing
while you lavish him with oral sex and ride him until he screams your name.

45. Try To Never Tell Him No. Life happens to where you cannot have sex with your man
every time he wants it but it shouldn’t be a habit. Sex is so very important in a
relationship and in keeping you connected, you do not want to weaken that bond.

46. Don’t Forget the Testicles. Many men love to have their testicles rubbed, licked, and
sucked. Be sure to give the boys some attention if it makes your man feel good.

47. Keep Your Va-jay-jay Right! You want your vagina to be clean, smelling nice and
healthy and so does he. Your area should also be groomed according to his taste also. If
having a Brazilian wax is too close to being like a ‘little girl’ to him, keep a landing strip.

48. Locate His Erogenous Zones. Find all of his hot spots by having him lay down naked on
the bed with his eyes closed. Touch and kiss every inch of his body and let him tell you
which of your touches and kisses excite him. Also, have him rate his spots so you know
exactly what hot spots to hit when you need him to be ready in a hurry!

49. Keep the Lights On. Let all of your inhibitions and insecurities go and leave the lights on
while you have sex. He isn’t thinking about any of your imperfections and neither should
you. Get wild girl….and get a big mirror too.

50. Sleep Naked. Sleeping naked is already beneficial because it allows your vagina to
breathe but it’s also very sexy. Caution: There will be sneak attacks on you by your man
but that’s why it’s in this book.

51. New places, new times. Have sex all over the house and all throughout the day. Keep
your love life spontaneous and interesting!

52. Break Out the Pearls. When performing oral sex or an erotic massage, wrap a pearl
necklace around his penis and run them back and forth, up and down. It gives him a
whole new sensation. Be careful not to snag any of his body hair though.

53. Lavish Him Orally (and with new tricks). Lavish him with oral pleasure and show that
you enjoy pleasuring him this way. Technique won’t mean much if there is no passion
with it. Gargle with mouthwash or chew on a mint right before giving oral pleasure to
give him a pleasant, tingly sensation. There are endless tricks out there for you to try so
have at it.

54. Give Him Plenty of Variety. Gain the edge over a man’s natural instinct for variety by
keeping your sex life interesting. Don’t be afraid to be a bad girl. Talk dirty to him.
Men have a natural desire for variety, and really we as women don’t want the same ole
day in and day out either. Keep it spicy and continue to switch it up in the bedroom.
Surprise him with new sexy lingerie and not even just regular lingerie, but the really sexy
stuff like crotchless fishnet jumpsuits, edible panties,

55. Quickie…Quickie…Quickie. You should be sneaking off for a quickie at least once a
week. That is a minimum.

56. Share Fantasies. This is just like sharing the wish lists discussed earlier in the book but
with lots of sex.

57. Role Play. You can maintain the variety in your love life by cheating on each other with
EACH OTHER! Become different people and make love in a sleazy motel…then go
home and feed the kids.

58. Become His Personal Porn Star. If his adult films bother you, make a film with him of
your own where you are the star. This adds a ton of spice to the relationship! If you’re
looking for even more kink, record a quick video of you pleasuring yourself on your cell
phone and send it to your man. Time how fast he gets home and let me know!

59. Strip baby Strip. Do a striptease for him when he least expects it. It is a fact that men go
to strip clubs to be smiled at and desired by naked women even if these women are paid
to do so. Would you rather him there or with you? Don’t hold yourself to professional
standards or be overly critical of your body. He will not be thinking about your
imperfections at all when your hips are gyrating against his lap.

60. Erotic Massages. While romantic massages are nice and meant to relax you, erotic
massages are meant to excite you! Learn to give each other erotic massages to add
another spicy item to your foreplay menu.

61. Become his sex slave. Let him have a night of passion exactly the way he wants it. His
wish is your command.

62. Go Commando. When you go out tonight, put on a sexy dress but leave the panties in the
drawer. This naughty secret will make you feel even sexier and will drive him wild when
you decide to playfully reveal your secret.

63. Try Outercourse. Outercourse is sex with your breasts, your armpits, between your
thighs, you catch my drift. You and your partner can get as dirty and erotic as you want
and that is your business! Outercourse is also a great tool to incorporate when
performing oral sex if you suffer from jaw fatigue. You can begin with outercourse and
then finish him off orally.

64. Incorporate Toys. Visit your local adult toy store and find some games and toys that you
and your mate would like to try during sex. You should always mutually agree on
whatever item it is. Sex toys do not only mean dildos, it is any item used for sex from a
blindfold to a vibrating butt plug. There is so much to choose from and they are great
tools to add to lovemaking.

65. Take Initiative. Your man wants to feel desired just as much as you do. Pull his pants
down and take what’s yours!

66. Mutual Masturbation. Besides being highly erotic, you can learn how to better please
your mate by watching each other masturbate. You will be able to see how he strokes his
penis and incorporate it into your own techniques and vice versa.

67. Swallow. If you are able and I only advocate this if you are married or at least about to
be. There is so much wrong with a woman swallowing different men’s semen all willy
nilly! However, if you are married, there is something wrong if you refuse to at least try
it. It can make sex that much more intense for him and shows a deeper level of
connection and commitment to him. Swallowing even has its benefits for us since its rich
in vitamins, proteins, and nutrients. This tip really depends on your man, what he prefers
and really would like for you to do. If this is something your man would like to see
happen then why not try it once? If you do not like it, evaluate the experience to see if
there are any changes that could be made to make swallowing a more pleasant experience
for you. If taste is an issue, have your husband take on healthier habits such as eating less
red meat, more fruit, and drinking more water. You can also try flavored oils to add

68. A little Martha Stewart and a Little Jenna Jameson. Send the kids away so you and your
man can be home alone for a romantic dinner. Cook his dinner in nothing but your heels,
69 Ways to Keep Your Man and Keep Him Happy 22
an apron, and a pearl necklace (so you can use it later). Let him watch you cook his
dinner, serve him, maybe even feed him a little all in nothing but that apron. Sexy.

69. What You Did to Get Him, Do It to Keep Him (and then some). All of the things that
you did to catch his attention, peak his interest, and make him want to settle down;
continue to do them because now you want him to never leave.

If you expect to be treated like a queen, you better be ready to treat him like a king.
Begin to incorporate these basic 69 ways to keep your man happy and as I have stated before,
continue in your journey for more knowledge on relationships, keeping them strong, how to have
amazing sex, and how to communicate with your man. Let me just say that I whole heartedly
believe and practice each and every one of these tips and the results in my relationship have been
astounding. Together, all of us ladies can set a new standard on what being a good woman really
means and how relationships ought to be. There is nothing more beautiful than two people that
have decided to spend their lives together so our relationships and marriages are unquestionably
worth the extra effort and time it will take to keep your home a happy home

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