
Friday, October 30, 2015


10-15% of children are being raised by men who think they are the biological fathers, but are not. In an age of birth control, abortion and the fact that only a small percentage of acts of unprotected intercourse result in pregnancy, imagine how big the percentage of women probably is. You can’t trust any statistics, cause only a few will admit this fact when they are asked by a stranger. There are several reasons, why women are cheating their partner and I’m pretty sure that more than 50% are guilty of it. But how should you know if your girlfriend is loyal? We explore the most common signs that can help you tell whether your woman is cheating on you.

1. She Stops Caring

Women are wired to care about the smallest details about their men and relationships. She cares how many times you call and whether you make time for her. She gets angry with you when you forget those important dates in your relationship and will make a big fuss about it. So when your lady stops caring that you didn’t call and when she doesn’t throw a fit that you forgot all your special dates, then you have cause to worry.

2. Change In Appearance

When you were dating, your woman went to great lengths to look amazing for you and consistently made your heart stop. But after dating for a while or after marriage it seems that she doesn’t care so much like before, which is normal. Has your woman started again dressing a little more special out of the blue? Does she suddenly seem to pay extra attention to her appearance while leaving to meet up her girls, more than when going out with you? She may be out to impress and catch the attentions of another man.

3. Sexier Underwear

When a woman is involved with someone new, she often will go out and purchase sexier bras and panties – because she feels sexier. There is a pleasure women get

Thursday, October 29, 2015


I used to be so shy that speaking to girls made me break out in a sweat. It was so bad that if I as much as opened my mouth to say, “Hi,” my vocal pitch went up several octaves. As you can imagine, this didn’t exactly help me woo the ladies (unless by “woo” you mean make them want to giggle, run away, and/or hide).

My troubles were a symptom of a common problem shared by many guys like you: I wasn’t confident in myself. Know the feeling? Let’s give your confidence (and dating life) a helpful shove in the right direction. This is how to ask a girl out and get a yes (almost) every time.

Ground Rules
Your Posture Should Scream Confidence

Most men guarantee a rejection before they even open their mouth because their appearance does not express confidence. Here are some simple cues to help you remember the do’s and don’ts of posture.

Do not:
Stare at the ground
Cross your legs/arms
Slump your shoulders

Keep your chin up
Gaze forward
Shoulders down and back
Chest high

When in doubt, think about how much space you are taking up. Is it a lot, or a little? If you’re not taking up much space, it’s possible you are curled up in a sad little ball (which just doesn’t make you look confident). Take up as much space with your body as you can to reflect that you are comfortable in your body (and this hopefully goes without saying, but keep it within reason — don’t go lying down on the ground in the middle of the bar or anything crazy!)

The Clothes Make the Man

No, you don’t have to be donned in a freshly tailored suit when you ask a girl out. But that doesn’t mean you should look like a slob either. Dress in whatever

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


You can throw all your stuff in the back of your car and drive away. You can curl your texting-fingers into fists that you jam in your pockets. You can pack your calendar with yoga, coffee dates and cooking classes. You can buy a dog.

But you can’t stop thinking about your Ex.

Waking up from another nightmare in which you are victimized, abandoned, or ignored by your Ex you lay in the darkness. Memories of conversations you had, or wanted to have, play in your head like movies until it’s time to get up in the grey light of morning. Coffee. Shower. Driving. Working. No matter what you’re doing, throughout your day, the bulk of your mind is focused on your Ex. What they are doing, or not doing, or who they’re doing it with. The other ten percent of your attention steers you, on auto-pilot, through the rest of your life.

Your brain has been bound up in a tight, elaborate knot by an unsolvable riddle: “What the hell happened?” It works to free itself by wrestling with old memories or speculations, one by one. If it could only understand — emerge the victor from one of these skirmishes — you might be released from the cage of obsession. But there is no final victory. The memories are indestructible, and crowd together in a mob that has no end. Your mind is stuck, hemmed in on every side by ghosts of your former life.

You’ve moved on physically. But I don’t have to tell you that moving on mentally and emotionally is very, very difficult. You want to stop, but you can’t. If you could take a big bottle scrubber to your brain, and be done, you would. But it feels impossible to get away from your Ex when they, and their army of ghosts, have taken up residence in your own head.

Step one in your recovery is understanding that the thoughts about


After you meet a woman here or in any other place and date her, you get to know her better. You probably start feeling closer to her and may even find yourself falling in love with her. But her feelings may still remain a mystery to you. You’re not even sure whether you’re doing things right. How can you get her to fall in love with you? Here are 10 ways that you can make a woman fall in love with you, and at the end of it, she’s sure to be crazy about you.

1. Display maturity

It’s always said that women mature faster than guys and are often found complaining about how immature they act. Impress her with the way you deal with situations and your outlook on the whole. Show her how responsible you are about finances, or serious you are about your career. And demonstrate your ability to think clearly and rationally when disagreements crop up or a conflict of interests presents itself.

TIP: Women love it when a guy takes interest in their likes, dislikes, interests, family, childhood and so many other areas. Talking to her about herself is the best way to make her fall in love.

2. Romance her

Make her feel good by keeping the romance alive in the relationship. You don’t have to spend a whole lot of money doing this. Sure, there isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t adore flowers and gifts, but you can also do things that don’t cost a lot but can still enhance your relationship. Write her little notes or send her a mushy card. Call her up just to tell her you’re thinking


For many of us, our romantic relationships are one of the most central part of our lives. When things are going well, they are a source of total joy; but when they're not, our relationships can bring about heartache. Though ultimately, our happiness really depends on how we handle our relationships, and how we treat ourselves.

There are probably things we have done or said in our relationships this year that have made things a little more tough than we'd like. The good news is that we can change — and what better time to reflect and set intentions for a better relationship than the end of the year?

If you want this year to be one in which you have the best love life possible, consider making these relationship resolutions:

1. Look at your relationship with clear eyes.

In reality, not all romantic relationships are worth maintaining. So, start by taking an objective look at your current relationship. Is your partner abusive? Disrespectful? Overly jealous? Are you two codependent? Can you be your authentic self with your partner? Do you two bring out the best in one another?

As you reflect on these questions, determine if you should stay. Sometimes the best things you can do for your love life is to move on to greener pastures, whether that means taking some time to work on yourself, or to look for someone who will love you in the way you deserve.

2. Start with your own happiness.

A lot of people are misguided in their belief that they will

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


With female infidelity now at an all time high, more and more men who are married, or in committed relationships are asking themselves this question about their spouse of significant other. Below are 18 categories of women who are more likely to cheat on their spouse.

1. She has lots of close male friends “A significant number of affairs begin as close friendships with members of the opposite sex. The relationship may be platonic at the beginning, but chances are, it won’t stay that way. The closer the woman is to her platonic male friend, the more likely it is that he will eventually end up becoming her lover unless he’s gay.

2. She has girlfriends who are cheating on their mates. Never underestimate the power of peer pressure. Adults are susceptible to it, too. If a woman has one or more close female friends who are cheating on their husbands or boyfriends, she may eventually start cheating, too.

3. She has an excessive need for attention. A woman who constantly craves attention may cheat on her mate if she feels she’s not getting enough attention from him. She will be easy prey for any man who showers with her the attention she feels she deserves.

4. She’s materialistic. A materialistic woman is likely to have an affair with a wealthy man because of the material things he can provide. She can easily be


Saw this crazy video and i thought i should share it with you guyz


Dreams have been a fascinating subject for thousands of years. Everyone experiences dreams, as well as the unpleasant counterpart of the occasional nightmare. People have been studying dreams for years; the scientific study of dreams is called Oneirology, while dream interpretation or dream analysis is the study of the meaning of dreams. There is quite a bit of interest in dreams from both parties, and here are eight interesting facts about dreams from both studies.

1. You Are Paralyzed
Sleep paralysis, the inability to talk or move, or even react at all, comes in two forms. Many people experience it at some point in time when they are waking or falling asleep; this can be an isolated incident for some people, but it can also be a chronic, stressful problem for many individuals. Many people who suffer this form of sleep paralysis report that they experience terrifying hallucinations while they are unable to react. The other type of sleep paralysis is not a true paralysis, but simply that while you are asleep, your body is unable to react fully, or at all, to external stimuli. This is almost like being paralyzed, as it is a vulnerable state that you cannot voluntarily move or speak in.

2. External Stimuli Invade Your Dreams

Even though you cannot voluntarily react to external stimuli while fully asleep, it is possible for these things to influence your dreams. Things such as sounds, smells, changes in light or temperature, and physical movement or touch can alter your dreams. These may change the course of your
dreams, or they may shift the way you feel or think during their


1. Goblin Shark :-A deep sea shark that has been found in all three major oceans, which indicates that it lives around the world. The goblin shark is considered a living fossil due to the fact that it is the only existing representative of the family Mitsukurinidae, which has a lineage of over 125 million years.
Goblin Shark
Goblin Shark

2. Atretochoana-Eiselti :-Atretochoana is a type of amphibian that resembles an earthworm or a snake. Until recently, Atretochoana was thought to be extinct until scientists found a specimen in 2011 in Brazil. It is such a rare species of animal that scientists do not even know if it is endangered or not.
Atretochoana Eiselti
 Atretochoana Eiselti
3. Hummingbird Hawk-Moth Distributed throughout much of the warmer climates of the
northern Old World, the hummingbird Hawk-Moth is


We've all been teenagers in love—and now many of us are raising teenagers who are bound to get their hearts broken as a result of breakups and loss. Here are some of the worst things you can say to a teenager who is suffering from a broken heart.

1."Don't be sad."

Don't try to downplay the natural reaction—and need—to express emotional pain. "When they see their child experiencing disappointment, parents often want to fix it and eliminate the negative feelings,."This parent response denies the child the chance to process their feelings in a healthy way." It encourages teens to repress what they feel and teaches them they are better off not paying attention to their emotions.

2. "There are other fish in the sea."

Not only will this oft-repeated cliché inspire a teen to roll their eyes, it will make them feel you are devaluing the issue. "As adults who have had much more experience than teenagers, parents know these things are true,"However, these kinds of statements will only upset teens and lead them to believe their parents don't understand the depth of their hurt."

3. "You'll find someone better when you get older."

A teenager with a hurting heart is not too interested in the future, and will be less inclined to seek help or comfort from their parents when they hear this statement."This

Monday, October 19, 2015


It's completely normal—and healthy—for couples to argue. You're two separate people, and you're going to have different opinions sometimes. But what you might not realize is that how you act post-spat can be as important to your relationship as what you say in the heat of the moment. Here are 10 reactions to avoid, whether you're totally over it or still working on that whole forgive-and-forget thing

1. Don't give him the cold shoulder. If you need some space after a fight, that's OK—as long as you tell him. If you brush him off or ignore him, he may think you're punishing him, which may make him hold back on telling you how he feels in the future. Instead, say, "My emotions don't recede as quickly as yours, but give me 24 hours and I'm sure things will be fine. If not, we can discuss more."

2. Don't keep his words in your arsenal. You know "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"? Whatever your partner says during a fight should stay there. So if he says something during the fight that bugs you, tell him his words are frustrating you. If his fighting words annoy you the next day, give yourself some breathing room instead of approaching him again so soon. Bringing up an argument too often can lead to talking in circles, not a resolution.

3. Don't just say, "I'm sorry" if he's still hurt. That says, "I'm sick of this. Leave me alone. I want to do something else,"What you want to say is, 'I'm sorry for


1. He tells you he isn't really ready for a relationship early on. Yet he continues to talk to you and lead you on in a way that seems serious. You just go with it because he is cute, seems genuine, gives you attention, and you might just think he'll change and realize you're "the one."

2. He puts his phone on airplane mode. That way you can't see incoming texts when you ask to see pictures on his phone that you guys just took of each other.

3. He wears a man ponytail. AKA ponymale.

4. He takes his phone with him every time he goes to the bathroom.

5. He has more friends that are girls than you do, and he only has a few guy friends.

6. You haven't met a lot of his friends even though you hang out with him a lot. They're always busy.

7. His phone battery seems to die more than the average person’s, making him unreachable for extended periods of time.

8. He gives you just enough attention to keep you around


Many students decide to continue being a couple even when they go off in different directions. Is your relationship strong enough to survive the separation? Are there strategies for making the relationship work? Is a long-distance relationship even wise? These questions don’t have easy answers, but you can start addressing them by considering the following:

Long-Distance Relationships Aren’t Easy

College is one of the most life-changing experiences you will have. During your college journey, you’ll be forced to figure out who you really are—both professionally and personally. Sometimes, it’s difficult to balance your time making those amazing self-discoveries and still having time for your nightly phone dates.
For many students, dating around is part of their social development—and we’re not just talking about sex. It’s hard to be part of the college scene when you’re busy counting down the days until you can pack your bags to visit your significant other (SO). You may also face a lot of peer pressure to date someone at your own college.
Starting college means adapting to a new home, new professors, new friends, new pressures and responsibilities. Getting used to the college environment and rising to meet academic challenges is going to take lots of energy. You will have to be creative to schedule study time along with working on your long-distance relationship.
Because you’re far away, there’s no chance you’ll be able to watch your SO’s every move. You have to learn to trust your partner to be in a successful


Do you seem to keep throwing gutter balls when it comes to relationships? If you’re searching for commitment, it can be frustrating to be in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere. Do you recognize either of the following scenarios?

The Storyline:

You’ve known each other for a while, and it seems like a good level of compatibility exists between you. The other person has shown some romantic interest but has expressed that he or she doesn’t want to start a relationship.


You’ve been seeing someone frequently and you have a romantic connection. Everything is going really well, but you don’t know where your relationship stands. Every time you start to talk about it, the other person changes the subject immediately.

If you’ve faced either of these situations, you’re not the only one. College is fast and loose, and students often have very different ideas about what they want from relationships and sometimes have difficulty communicating their needs. If you’re not satisfied with the status


Were you dumped out of the blue? Have you loved and lost? Anyone who has been there will tell you, breaking up is more than hard to do. It stinks. Big time.

You’re probably dealing with waves of sadness, anger, confusion and maybe self-doubt and jealousy. Most relationships end, so everyone goes through it at some point, and broken hearts have inspired millions of songs and poems. While there’s no surefire cure for a broken heart, these time-tested tips could help soften the blow.

1. Talk to someone you trust.
A friend, your suitemate, a brother or sister or one of your parents—just as long as it is someone who will listen. Then let it all out. A good friend won’t let you feel sorry for yourself very long. And you shouldn’t either.

2. Have a good cry.
There’s no shame in crying every now and then, and breaking up can be really, really hard. (By the way, all you macho men, tough guys cry, too.). Cry and let it all out in writing if that works for you, but then do something fun. You may feel like being alone for a


So you fell in love back at home, but now you’re away at school. Or maybe you hooked up on Spring Break and you’re wondering how you’ll ever make it until summer alone. Or maybe you met online and now you’re counting the days until you meet face to face.

The truth is somewhere between 25 and 40 percent of all romantic relationships among college students are long distance. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because if you’ve managed to stay close with family and friends from home while you’re away at school, you already know something about making long-distance relationships work.

10 ways to keep it together.

Every relationship takes work, and long-distance relationships, like most, require communication, understanding, trust, honesty, fairness, support, respect, commitment and caring to thrive. So how can you keep it together when you’re miles apart?

Communicate often. Establish preferred channels and use them regularly. Make plenty of phone dates, but thanks to modern technology there are many ways to stay connected—think MSM, emails, text messaging, even web cams.
Share your feelings. Superficial conversation


Who wouldn’t want to keep their man in bliss while maintaining that strong, stomach tingling
bond inside and outside of the bedroom? We all do, of course!! If you want to keep
your man and keep him happy then you must give him plenty of good reasons to stay and I wrote
this article to assist women in doing just that. Many of us are forgetting, or plainly flat out
ignoring, the basics of keeping our men happy! It’s time to bring them back!
 While I am a Certified Life, Relationship, and Sex Coach, I would be foolish to have all
of the information included this article to come directly from me -- I went to our wonderful men!!
Seeing as how I am not a man and therefore cannot speak on everything that men want, I asked a
variety of men from different age groups, backgrounds, careers, incomes, and walks of life to
compose this article for my readers. Keep in mind that this book is about
what to do when you are already IN the relationship or marriage; it’s not about attracting the
man. However, if you are single, these are things that you need to know in order to prepare
yourself for that amazing man who will be in your life before you know it! So get busy reading!!
Lastly, and you know me, I have included some smoking hot tips to keep your man yearning for
more of you in the bedroom. I must caution you that using the tips in this book will cause your
man to come down with a severe case of “Sprung-itis” so be ready!!
 I am going to take you through my 69 ways to keeping your man but please do not stop at
the 69 (pun very much intended). Keep seeking knowledge in how to make your relationship
hotter, stronger, and ways to better the communication between you and your mate. “69
Ways…” will take you through how to treat him in everyday life all the way to how to treat your
69 Ways to Keep Your Man and Keep Him Happy 5
King in the love shack. My hope is that “69 Ways…” will help you develop a better knowledge
of self and the type of relationship you really want, release your


This is not a new thing among girls of nowadays.. every girl wants a rich guy who has everything and can offer them heaven and earth... but the main question is "Why are they looking for rich guyz to date"??.. This is a question i've been pondering about for years but finally got an answer...  They want rich guyz cos they can take care of their needs.
             What you girls dont know is that, most of these young millionaires are not into legal businesses... As long as he has money, you will date him.. This is not right.. If a rich guy asks you our, the first thing you must do is to study him, find out the source of his wealth, watch if he's the faithful type... Guyz are very good in sweet talking girls into dating them but if the girl is wise, she wont just accept like that... There are lots of ways in which guyz make illegal money

1). YAHOO :- This is common among young guyz,. Its a get rich quick scheme that guyz do to make quick money... But this doesnt work unless these guyz use jazz.. I'm sure we all know what "Jazz" is... Whenever these type of guyz approach ladies, they would just be shaking as if they've not seen a rich guy before... these kind of illegal money does not last..  even

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Relationships today are a mess.. Fact is that faults come from both sides.. The essence of a relationship is not to have sex or just get married, the essence of it is to value each other, respect each other's opinions... Lets look at some causes of break-up's and how to handle them

1). COMMUNICATION :- This is a critical part in relationships, it requires both the male and female to know how to communicate better with each other.. most times, when you dont understand your woman, it can cause a whole lot of things... for example, you and your girlfriend are home alone on a nice weekend, then your friends call you to come and play golf.. this is what happens;
        Boy :- Baby. i wanna go and play golf with my friends
        Girl :- Ok
Trust me people, she doesnt want you to go, her "OK" does not mean that you should go but you should stay with her... The best time for you and your partner to have fun is during weekends, just the two of you, not with friends... this will make the relationship stronger

2). CHEATING :- Seriously, this is common among guyz, why would you date someone else when you have a girl who is faithful and loyal to you, most guyz would say "I WANNA TRY SOMETHING NEW, I'M TIRED OF HER"... This is not right.. ladies, the moment your guy stops being jealous, just know that there's something more to it.... A jealous guy is a faithful guy... Its when another guy takes your place, that's when u'll realize how u